How to Avoid Being Targeted on LinkedIn by Scammers

Scammers are relentless. Phishing emails fill out inboxes, text messages with suspicious links are becoming more popular, and even using LinkedIn to grow a professional network is becoming more of a risk.

With over 1 billion registered users, LinkedIn is one of the companies that we see at our cybersecurity firm in Miami being targeted by hackers more often.

How Hackers are Using AI for Cyberattacks

Artificial intelligence (AI) is changing the shape of technology. Cyberattacks are a real threat to businesses and the average person alike. While resource-intensive hacks of the past were designated solely to businesses due to profitability, AI allows for more wide-scale attacks on individuals.

The Hidden Threat of Using Portable Devices for Banking Services

Portable devices have upended the way that society interacts with websites and conducts business. A few decades ago, no one would have thought that they would have a phone in their pocket or would they store all of their personal information on it.

Today, people don’t realize that the convenience of pulling out their phones and accessing their banking service may create a major security risk.

Practical tips to secure your email account

Email is one of the most commonly used forms of communication nowadays. It's quick, easy, and convenient, but it’s also vulnerable to attacks from hackers. Read on for some practical tips that you can use to secure your email account and keep your information safe.

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