The Security Pitfalls of Remote Access

Over 20% of workers work outside of the office full-time, but a far greater proportion of the population work from home part-time or on occasion. One of the main security pitfalls we find as experts in cybersecurity in Miami is that remote access opens security holes.

How to Protect Equipment and Data from Natural Disasters

Businesses, small and large, invest over $80 billion a year to protect their assets and data. While we offer cybersecurity in Miami, we know that your point of failure may not be due to malicious attacks.

Natural disasters are a growing concern and include:


If you’re hiring cybersecurity companies in Miami and only looking at ways to keep attackers out of your systems, you’re leaving your company vulnerable to the risks that natural disasters pose.

Cybersecurity for Cloud-Based Applications

The average enterprise uses more than 1,200 cloud services, and 92% of organizations use a mix of public and private cloud providers. More businesses are turning to the cloud, so security becomes increasingly more important. As a Miami cybersecurity company, we know how complex cloud security can be, but there are several actionable, simple steps you can take to protect against cyber attacks.