The Real Cost of Small Business Cyber Attacks

Small business cybersecurity is one of the best investments that a small business can make. The security landscape shifts every month, and almost half (46%) of all security breaches affect small- and medium-sized businesses.

Protecting against many of the breaches last year would have been possible by following basic security measures.

Mitigating Microsoft 365 security risks

Choosing the right software and services is critical to your business’s success. And when it comes to cloud-based tools and services, Microsoft 365 is one of the best, as it offers powerful features and cost-saving benefits. But as with any technology, Microsoft 365 comes with security challenges.

Working remotely? Follow these cybersecurity tips

Working from home is becoming an increasingly popular option for employees around the world. While this flexible work arrangement can be a great perk for employees, it also comes with its own set of security risks. Follow these cybersecurity tips so you can protect yourself, your personal information, and your company's data while telecommuting.

5 Tips on Avoiding Phishing Attacks

Phishing is one of the attacks that we see most often in our cybersecurity company in Miami. Unfortunately, over 240,000 people in the US fall victim to these attacks annually. And around 25% of all data breaches involve some form of phishing.

Avoiding phishing attacks is in the best interest of business owners because they’re easy to protect against.

Why managed IT services is best for SMB cybersecurity

Without technology, businesses cannot compete and succeed. But with the advancement in technology comes the ever-constant threat of hackers and cybercriminals. That’s why small- and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) need to protect themselves with robust cybersecurity solutions managed by reputable managed IT services providers (MSPs).
The numbers
Through the years, the number of SMBs falling victim to cyberattacks has drastically increased.

4 of the Most Common Small Business Cyberattacks

Small business owners are often the target of cyberattacks because their security measures cannot compare to a major corporation. Cybercrimes cost businesses over $2.7 billion a year, and this is a figure that continues to rise.

As a firm offering cybersecurity in Miami, we see our clients experience a wide range of attacks.

How does Microsoft 365 Defender fight phishing?

Phishing remains one of the top cyberthreats to businesses today. To combat such attacks, Microsoft has armed Microsoft 365 Defender with powerful cybersecurity features. Let’s take a look at some of them.
1. Anti-phishing
The most dangerous types of phishing scams involve emails that are disguised to appear like it's from an entity.

How to keep your email account safe

Many businesses use email to send and receive sensitive information, making it an attractive target for cyberattacks. To reduce your exposure to cyberthreats, implement the following email security measures.
Use separate email accounts
Most people use a single email account for all their online tasks.

Cybersecurity terminology you need to know

Do IT security terms like “phishing” and “intrusion protection” sound extremely foreign to you? If so, it’s time you familiarize yourself with these and other common cybersecurity terms. By learning these basic concepts, you’ll be more aware of the depth and scope of online dangers and, hopefully, be better prepared to deal with them.

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