Credit cards are quick and convenient, but they’re also risky. Each time you make a payment with a credit card, there’s always a chance that a bad actor could get a hold of your information. As a cybersecurity company in Miami, we have seen this happen time and time again, and identity theft victims are left wondering where they went wrong.
The Safest Way to Use Your Credit Card – The Differences Between Swipe, Chip and Tap
How to Avoid Scams While Holiday Shopping Online
A study from Norton found that 36% of Americans have been victims of online shopping scams, and they lost $387 on average as a result.
With more people doing their holiday shopping online, cyber criminals are out in full force attempting to steal your personal data.
How to Check If a Public WiFi Network is Safe
WiFi encryption is one of the most basic and crucial security measures that everyone should take. Our cybersecurity company in Miami always verifies that the networks we work on are secure. Otherwise, data is transmitted in plain text, which opens it up to hackers.
Starting A Small Business? Here’s How to Protect Yourself Online
Launching a small business is exciting, but one thing eager business owners overlook is the importance of protecting themselves and their companies online. As experts in cybersecurity in Miami, we know all too well the consequences of failing to take cybersecurity seriously.
How to Protect Your Data as a Small Business
As a small business owner, you’re obviously an intimate part of your company’s operations. Often, years of hard work and brand building are destroyed with a single data breach. Even if your reputation isn’t impacted, the average data breach cost businesses $4.24 million last year.