Advisory Services

Do You Want the Most Current Pro-Business Cybersecurity Advice?

The FUNCSHUN team believes that protecting your IT assets is more than a business necessity. If done correctly, cybersecurity can be leveraged into a business benefit – giving you and your staff the confidence to do business efficiently online.

Business leaders have to make a choice. Either they are going to leverage the expertise of an executive-level, cybersecurity specialist, or they are going to risk a successful cyber attack. The options are that clear-cut. Why? – Because every business is eventually targeted by cybercrime. The question is, “When you are targeted, will you be ready?”

In our tech-heavy economy, every decision that you make is impacted by one of four factors.

  • The capabilities of technology
  • The cost of buying and maintaining technology
  • The lifespan of technology
  • The security of that technology
  • The training that employees have to use technology efficiently and securely

There are a thousand variations and scenarios, but when all the executive decisions regarding technology are examined, they all boil down to one of these four factors.

What Areas Does a Cybersecurity Consultant Focus on To Give You Better Data and Workflow Protection?

  • Security Architecture – addressing concerns relating to processes, policies, and staff
  • Preventative Controls – meeting cybersecurity best practices in relation to tools, technology, and protocols
  • Detective Controls - working to achieve a high standard in relation to proactive monitoring and management of the IT assets

What Can FUNCSHUN Cybersecurity Consulting Help You Achieve?

  • Planning for IT security expenditure
  • Securing and backing up data
  • Planning for secure continuity of workflow
  • Planning and executing IT security projects
  • Helping manage IT security budgets
  • Secure setup and service of remote workers and satellite locations
  • Advising on the IT security implications of facility moves/remodels
  • Determining workflow that can be securely automated

The reality is that by involving a cybersecurity professional early on in your pro-growth plans, you can avoid pitfalls, make the most of your current technology, and plan appropriately for the next steps.

What Does Cybersecurity Consulting Cost?

We provide our executive-level consulting service in two different pricing formats.

  • IT Consulting Within Managed Security Services
    Our Managed Security Services package is our holistic, budgeted, proactive approach to data and workflow security. Within this grouping of high-level cybersecurity services, we provide you with the information you need to make critical decisions.
  • IT Consulting à la Carte While the majority of our clients take advantage of our IT Consulting services within the Managed Security Services structure, there are some clients that engage our consulting services on an hours plus materials basis. This is generally for a specific cybersecurity-related project or to supplement the skillset of their in-house IT team with a C-level cybersecurity strategist.

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