As you surf the web, it’s nearly impossible to keep your internet activity completely private. Certain websites collect personal information for marketing purposes and your browser keeps track of all the websites you visit. That browsing information can also fall into the wrong hands, which is why you should consider using private browsing if you want to keep your online activities to yourself.
What private browsing can and can’t do
Guidelines on monitoring your employees’ online activities

There are advantages and disadvantages to monitoring your employees’ online behavior. Below is an honest and transparent list of arguments for and against such a practice. However, should you decide to monitor your employees, we have some guidelines for you to follow for a smooth implementation process.
Secure your business printers to avoid getting hacked

To achieve foolproof cybersecurity, you must make sure that every endpoint is protected from threats. That means securing every network, every server, every computer — and every printer. Because they’re easily overlooked, print devices can be exploited by hackers and used as an entry point to steal or modify data.
Buying antivirus software? Consider the following points

You probably didn’t need to worry about antivirus protection before. At the office, the IT department handled it. At home, your personal setup may not contain enough valuable information to warrant industry-strength. But because of the global pandemic forcing most of us to stay indoors, your home is now your office, too.
Alert (AA20-120A) Microsoft Office 365 Security Recommendations

As organizations adapt or change their enterprise collaboration capabilities to meet “telework” requirements, many organizations are migrating to Microsoft Office 365 (O365) and other cloud collaboration services. Due to the speed of these deployments, organizations may not be fully considering the security configurations of these platforms.