Email is one of the most commonly used forms of communication nowadays. It's quick, easy, and convenient, but it’s also vulnerable to attacks from hackers. Read on for some practical tips that you can use to secure your email account and keep your information safe.
Practical tips to secure your email account
Steps to defend your business from watering hole attacks

Watering hole attacks are on the rise, but many businesses are still unprepared against it. To avoid falling victim to a watering hole attack, it is crucial to know what it is, understand the risks, and take steps to defend your business.
How watering hole attacks work
The term “watering hole” colloquially refers to a social gathering place where a particular group of people often go to.
How to secure your personal information on Facebook and Twitter
Mitigating Microsoft 365 security risks
Here’s how SaaS can benefit your business

For many businesses, regardless of size, the cost of acquiring and maintaining software is a massive drain on their finances. Fortunately, they can leverage Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Read on to learn how your business can save money with SaaS.
What is SaaS, and what does Software-as-a-Service even mean?
Just a few years ago, the main way for computer users to get software was to either buy a physical CD or download the software from the internet.
Is it beneficial for employers to track employees’ online activities?
Why two-factor and two-step authentication matter

Two-factor authentication and two-step authentication are both vital for data security. But what’s the difference between them? Is one authentication process better than the other for your business? In this blog post, we will break down the differences between two-factor authentication and two-step authentication to help you decide which is more suitable for your needs.
Maintain your WordPress website with these 6 easy steps
A closer look at fileless malware

To avoid detection by anti-malware programs, cybercriminals are using fileless malware to initiate attacks. Fileless malware is used to infiltrate trusted applications and issue executables that blend in with normal network traffic, IT processes, and system administration tasks while leaving fewer footprints.
Your SMB will enjoy the flexibility provided by hybrid cloud platforms

Hybrid cloud platforms are a great way to improve a business’s agility and flexibility, as they can be used to host business components in an affordable and low-impact manner. But what exactly is the hybrid cloud, and what are its specific advantages for small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs)? Read on to learn more.