Why password autofill is risky

Many people use password autofill on their web browser or password manager for convenience. The feature, however, can be used by hackers and advertisers to access user accounts and gather your sensitive information without your consent.
Why password autofill is so dangerous
Modern web browsers and password managers have a feature that enables usernames and passwords to be automatically entered into a web form.

Keep online trackers at bay through private browsing

These days, it’s nearly impossible to keep your internet activities completely private. Browsers keep track of your online behavior, while some websites collect your personal information. Although these data are often used for marketing purposes, it’s not uncommon for them to fall into the hands of identity thieves and other malicious actors.

Pros and cons of monitoring employees’ online activities

When people think of monitoring employees’ online activities, they typically imagine tyrannical bosses who want to make sure their subordinates are working during their shift. However, there is much more to monitoring their activities than that — doing so can actually help increase productivity and protect the business in the process.

How to keep your email account safe

Many businesses use email to send and receive sensitive information, making it an attractive target for cyberattacks. To reduce your exposure to cyberthreats, implement the following email security measures.
Use separate email accounts
Most people use a single email account for all their online tasks.

What is single sign-on and what are its benefits?

Secure logins are a necessity in business, but managing so many user credentials can get tedious. The good news is that you can simplify your organization’s login processes without compromising security by deploying single sign-on.
What is single sign-on (SSO)?
Single sign-on allows you to use one username and one password to provide secure access to multiple websites.

Tips to keep your business data safe

Losing or compromising data can be disastrous for your business. It can lead to reputational damage, costly lawsuits, and termination of contracts, among others. And because threats to data security are always present online, it's important to implement tough security measures that will keep your business data safe 24/7. Here are some tried-and-tested methods to safeguard your corporate data.

The hows of watering hole attack prevention

There are millions of malware in existence, with new ones being developed by the minute. This is terrible news for anyone who stores personal information online — which is basically everyone in the world today. Learn how you can avoid being a victim of a watering hole attack, one of the most common ways cybercriminals introduce malware into networks.

Tips to reduce IoT-related risk in the healthcare industry

Most, if not all, cybersecurity experts believe that anything connected to the internet can be hacked. So with the increasing popularity of the Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT devices in the healthcare industry, it’s only wise that organizations understand and address the risks associated with the ubiquity of IoT.

Computing devices that contain a treasure trove of patient data are attractive targets for cybercriminals.

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