6 Top Cybersecurity Myths and Misconceptions

6 Top Cybersecurity Myths and Misconceptions

As cybercrime becomes more common, more myths and misconceptions arise that put businesses and their teams at risk. 

Here are the top 6 cybersecurity myths and misconceptions according to a Miami cybersecurity company.

6 Top Cybersecurity Myths and Misconceptions

1. My Password is Strong, So I’m Safe

Having a strong password is important, but it’s no guarantee that you’ll be completely shielded from cyber attacks. 

For added protection, you should enable multi-factor authentication (MFA). MFA requires users to verify that they are truly the ones logging into the account using a second method of authentication, such as:

  • Their phone
  • Google Authenticator or a similar app

With MFA, even if a hacker manages to get your username and password, they won’t be able to access your account unless they have your “second factor.”

2. Cybersecurity is IT’s Responsibility – Not Mine

Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility – not just IT’s. Neglectful employees are the leading cause of breaches, so all team members must do their part to help prevent attacks.

To reduce the risk of a breach, staff should be using:

  • Company laptops and devices with 2 factor authentication
  • Security software that’s up to date

When everyone is cybersecurity aware and following the best practices, the risk of an attack is reduced.

3. I Would Know if My Business Was Attacked

It’s easy to assume that a cyber attack would be obvious, but that’s rarely the case. Cyber criminals have become far stealthier. Often, attacks aren’t discovered until it’s too late. 

The longer the hacker has access to the system, the more time they have to steal data. 

Cybersecurity training can help your team better spot the subtler signs of an attack and follow the best practices to prevent or stop them from escalating further.

4. Security is Expensive

Cybersecurity does come at a cost, but it’s one that is well worth it. Consider security an investment in the future of your business.

If you’re not making that investment, the cost of an attack will far outweigh the cost of security. Between the cost of notifying all parties, reputational damage, fines and legal fees, many small businesses can find themselves out of business from a single attack. 

5. Security Software Will Slow Things Down

Many businesses assume that security software will interrupt their workflow or slow things down. Previously, antimalware and antivirus software would slow things down, but this was primarily due to poor implementation.

When installed properly, security software won’t interrupt your workflow and won’t slow down your network.  

6. Cybersecurity Threats Only Come from Outside Sources

Research shows that up to 75% of data breaches are from the inside. Sometimes, disgruntled employees perform an attack because they’re looking for revenge. But more often than not, it’s an employee who hasn’t been properly trained in cybersecurity awareness and is unaware of the best practices to prevent data breaches.

As a cybersecurity company in Miami, we know that many of these myths and misconceptions are still perpetuating today. It’s time to put them to rest and ensure that your team is trained in cybersecurity awareness and how to prevent attacks.

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