5 Tips on Avoiding Phishing Attacks

5 Tips on Avoiding Phishing Attacks

Phishing is one of the attacks that we see most often in our cybersecurity company in Miami. Unfortunately, over 240,000 people in the US fall victim to these attacks annually. And around 25% of all data breaches involve some form of phishing.

Avoiding phishing attacks is in the best interest of business owners because they’re easy to protect against.

5 Tips on Avoiding Phishing Attacks from a Cybersecurity Company in Miami

1. Install Security Software on All Network Devices

You can, and should, train staff and alert them to the dangers of phishing attacks. However, eliminating human error is a near-impossible feat. You should rely on software to be your first line of defense against phishing threats.

Filters can scan emails to:

  • Block malicious links
  • Alert recipients of suspicious emails
  • Prevent the download of unscanned files

Additionally, the software can check any files for viruses or malware before they’re downloaded. The right software can help protect your business from phishing threats immediately.

2. Implement Software Update Policies

Often, outdated software is a threat to an entire organization. Hackers will leverage the holes in outdated software to infiltrate your system. Internal updating policies should be in place that includes regular updates and monitoring solutions for all software.

Monitoring will notify you of any software that must be updated and patched immediately due to bugs or security risks.

A few of the key pieces of software that must make it into your update policy, include:

  • Operating systems
  • Antivirus
  • Anti-malware
  • Email clients
  • Internet browsers and app
  • Security software

Additionally, these updates must also consider another integral part of today’s business environment: remote workers.

3. Protect Remote Workers

Remote workers can put your system at risk, so it’s important to establish policies to protect your network. Here are a few ways to do that:

  • Implement a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy to protect against email phishing attacks.   
  • Require remote workers to have encryption and connect to your server using a virtual private network, or VPN.

If remote workers reenter the office, it’s crucial for you to have strict hardware policies in place. You should only allow verified, secure devices to be used for your business.

4. Create Strict Password Policies

Using strong passwords that are updated frequently can help prevent phishing attacks. Establish policies for password expiration as well as rules for password creation, such as:

  • Minimum password length
  • Special characters
  • Numbers 
  • Uppercase and lowercase letter requirements

The goal is to encourage staff to create complex and strong passwords, and to change these passwords regularly. 

5. Think Before You Click: Training Staff

Training staff to recognize the signs of phishing schemes can help prevent attacks. For example, ask staff to think twice before clicking links in emails and texts, even if they appear to come from a genuine and trusted source. 

Establish protocols for verifying links and texts to keep sensitive data out of the wrong hands. Staff should check with management before clicking suspicious links or providing sensitive information.

If your business needs help securing against phishing attacks, our cybersecurity company in Miami can help.

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