
Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

Prepare for disasters with FUNCSHUN’s data backup and disaster recovery services

Every business needs to make contingency plans for a disaster, whether it is a special fund, insurance, or even physical reinforcement for the premises, and your business data needs the same consideration. Without your data, your business will struggle to function properly for weeks or even months.

You won’t have to risk losing your business due to data loss, because FUNCSHUN will create a disaster contingency plan for you. We will regularly back up your data to a secure location to keep your data backups up to date. Our Disaster Recovery services will provide a step-by-step plan for bringing your business back online as soon as possible after an event, and we’ll run regular checks to ensure that this plan always works.

FUNCSHUN’s data backup and disaster recovery solution means:

  • We back up your data regularly and keep it up to date
  • Full server backups allow us to restore your entire server in just a matter of minutes
  • We regularly test our data restoration procedures to ensure speed and reliability
  • Your business data will be restored quickly so you can resume work ASAP
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