What is “Jugging” and How to Protect Yourself Against It

What is “Jugging” and How to Protect Yourself Against It

Jugging is something cybersecurity companies have heard a lot about in recent years, but it’s not something that you can protect against digitally. We’ll discuss what this newest trend entails and why everyone should work to protect themselves from the risk of jugging.

What Is Jugging?

Jugging has become a major problem. The FBI has even gotten involved and issued warnings to alert potential victims of the issue. Across the country and at banks and ATMs, one or a group of people will target customers leaving the bank or ATM.

If the group suspects you of having withdrawn a significant amount of money, they may do one of many things:

  • Get into your vehicle and rob you.
  • Follow you home and steal the money.
  • Follow you to your next destination to rob you.

Since ATMs and banks often have extensive security systems and cameras, suspects will often wait until the victim leaves these areas to commit robbery.

While most jugging does occur away from the bank or an ATM, some robbers are more brazen and will commit robbery even when they know there are cameras. Targets are often suspected of having withdrawn larger sums of money, but anyone can become a target.

Even if security and cybersecurity firms install CCTV and security systems in these locations, the nature of jugging will circumvent most security measures.

So, how can you protect against jugging?

How to Protect Against Jugging

ATMs and banks are a part of life - you need to go to them - but that doesn’t mean that you can’t protect yourself. Awareness of your surroundings is the best defense and requires you to be aware of people who may be around when you’re depositing or withdrawing money.

When you arrive at your location, look around for anyone who may be:

  • Suspicious
  • Loitering

If you see vehicles parked away from the building, look for people in them who may be waiting and follow you home. People go to ATMS and banks to withdraw or deposit money, not spend time in their vehicles waiting for victims to walk by.

Suspicious activity should be reported to local authorities. Consider the following tips to protect yourself:

  • Place all cash in your pocket, wallet or purse. Never walk out of the bank with money in your hands because it makes you an easy target.
  • Don’t make going to the same bank or ATM a routine. If you go to the ATM every week at 1:31 pm on Friday, thieves will recognize your patterns. You may want to even visit other bank locations if that’s the only time you can visit.
  • If you’re being followed, drive to the police station or a crowded area.

If you’re distracted when you go to the ATM or bank, you increase your risk of jugging. Who better to target than someone who isn’t paying attention and won’t be able to react in time?

Jugging will remain a growing concern, so it’s best to stay vigilant and take any necessary steps to protect yourself. If you follow the tips above, you’ll reduce your risk of falling victim to jugging.

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