Why the cloud? Why Microsoft Azure?

If you’re a SMB and haven’t migrated to the cloud yet, you’ve probably got questions, including why Microsoft Azure might best fit your needs. Unmatched security might be one reason. With built in protection for hybrid environments, the Azure Security Center lets you focus on driving your business priorities without the worry of whether your data is protected. We can answer your questions and help you get started—contact FUNCSHUN today.

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The risks  with an outdated data platform  include non-compliance with GDPR and other  market standards, and exposure to unexpected attacks and security breaches. The benefits can include lower costs and efficient data management as well as opportunities for innovation and business intelligence. Have you modernized your data estate?  FUNCSHUN can help. Subscribe today and contact us to stay informed.

Crash course in Office 365: How it can help you grow your business

How could your customers benefit from an upgraded #security and #productivity solution?

With Microsoft 365 Business, your customers can access a secure, comprehensive teamwork solution on any device, from virtually anywhere in the world. With tools and services designed to help customers work better together, your customers can protect sensitive data and grow business. Contact us at FUNCSHUN for more.

Customer story: TD Bank

TD is a Canadian multinational with 85,000 employees. The bank helps their diverse workforce to self-accommodate and increase productivity with an improved computing experience. Using Microsoft 365, they are breaking down silos and bringing their workforce together. Your team can also get the most from cloud-based collaborative computing, with the help of a trusted advisor. At FUNCSHUN, we have many years of experience helping businesses just like yours to adopt, integrate, and implement cloud technology. Contact us today to find out how we can help.

How IoT Can Help Your Organization Keep Customers Coming Back for More

Not sure how to connect your IoT? Azure IoT Central is a fully managed IoT software-as-a-service solution that simplifies how you connect, monitor, and manage your IoT assets. This end-to-end solution enables you to create connected products that bridge the digital-physical gap. It’s a great platform, but if you’re unsure on how to adopt it, you need FUNCSHUN. We’re industry experts, and have helped dozens of business just like yours to find the solutions they need to succeed. Contact us today to find out how we can help you stay in control of your connected products.

Digital Transformation in the Oil & Gas Industry: Collect and Monitor Sensor Data

If you’re investing in technology to provide immediate feedback, why not also invest in a platform that allows you to use the data for efficient decision-making? At oil and gas facilities, cameras and sensors output data at lightning speeds—and it must be managed in order to keep operations smoothly. Watch how a company could use Microsoft Azure to help meet its goal.

Change Management Needs Change Management

Where are you in your digital transformation journey? What’s your adoption management strategy? With change being the only constant, it’s time to throw out change management timelines and shift to adoption management. Rephael Sweary writes that the ability of employees to stay agile and in tune with the digital landscape dictates the cadence of organizational adaptation. With Microsoft Azure, FUNCSHUN can help you modernize and make the shift to adaption management.

5 Roadblocks Holding Back Your Data-Driven Goals?

“Legacy-era thinking isn’t just going to move out of the way to allow data-driven work styles to take over. You need to make a conscious effort to welcome data into your company, and that means clearing a path for it to do what it does: transform.”

Don’t let common roadblocks stop you from achieving data-driven goals. This article provides some key factors to consider if you’re looking to leverage data more effectively.

Managing Remote Employees? Spot This Problem and Improve Productivity

Good workplace relationships are the backbone of any successful business. How are you fostering meaningful communication among your teams?

Research shows that the magic component to the most high-functioning teams is trust among individuals. If you’ve ever played a sport or acted in a play, you know this is true; the value of a connected team cannot be overstated. Check out this article for some pointers on how to help strengthen your strongest asset: your teams.

What are you waiting for? Contact our team at FUNCSHUN to get started.

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