The Role and Function of a Vulnerability Scanning Tool

Vulnerability scanning tools are at the forefront of vulnerability management. They help identify vulnerabilities that could lead to bad actors compromising data and systems.

As experts in cybersecurity in Miami, we feel it’s important for clients to understand what these tools are and the role they play in protecting against cyber-attacks.

Why You Need Penetration Testing

When you invest in cybersecurity in Miami, you implement strategies, systems and training to help protect against cyberattacks. In theory, the tools and systems you have in place should reduce your risk of an attack, but how can you know for sure?

That's where penetration testing comes into play.

Why Your Website Needs Cybersecurity

Websites need cybersecurity. But how does a site go beyond basic security measures? Sure, the CMS you’re using or website you have built must have security measures built in. For example, you want to protect against:

XSS attacks
SQL injections
CSRF attacks
And more

However, you also need an IT-managed service provider that will work to secure your site and its server.

Blockchain Security Vulnerabilities

Blockchain has made headlines worldwide as more people are starting to realize just how crucial the technology may be for applications outside of cryptocurrency. However, as the experts at our cybersecurity company in Miami will tell you, there are security vulnerabilities in blockchain that must be addressed.