What is Zip Concatenation?

Our cybersecurity company in Miami downloads zip files daily. Your business may download zip files, too. It’s not uncommon to zip an entire client’s folder and send it to them because it will:

Condense all files into one
Compress the files to make uploading and downloading faster

Zip files were made in 1989, and they remain one of the world’s most widely used file formats because of the structural flexibility they offer.

How to Protect Yourself from Trojans

Trojans, also known as a Trojan Horse, are one of the leading reasons people seek cyber security in Miami. These malicious programs are designed to cause significant damage to your system or steal information. But what exactly are trojans and how can you protect yourself from them?
What are Trojans?
Trojan “viruses” are really a form of malware, and instead of downloading a harmless file, the user ends up with a form of malware.

The Real Cost of Small Business Cyber Attacks

Small business cybersecurity is one of the best investments that a small business can make. The security landscape shifts every month, and almost half (46%) of all security breaches affect small- and medium-sized businesses.

Protecting against many of the breaches last year would have been possible by following basic security measures.