How Do You Know if You Have a Strong Password

How Do You Know if You Have a Strong Password

Cybersecurity is constantly evolving to provide us with safer and more secure ways to access our accounts. But passwords are still at the heart of how we log into our accounts and keep our information out of the wrong hands. As a leader in Miami cybersecurity, we know that it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to create strong passwords. 

Part of the problem is that everyday users are still unsure of what a “strong” password really means and why they need to create one. Let’s clear the air and explain the importance of strong passwords and creating one.

Why is a Strong Password Important?

If you want to keep hackers out of your account, you have to do more than just create a simple password. You must create a strong password.

A strong password can withstand cyberattacks and will likely remain secure as long as you keep it private. It’s complex, lengthy and difficult for hackers to figure out.

Without a secure password, you put your accounts and your personal information at risk. If you’re a business, there’s also a risk that hackers may launch disinformation campaigns against you, share your data with your competitors or even hold your data for ransom.

If you want to keep your private data private, creating a secure password is crucial. But what elements make up a strong password?

4 Elements of a Strong Password

As a general rule of thumb, a secure password should have the following elements.

1. A Mix of Special Characters, Letters and Numbers

The more complex the password, the more difficult it will be to decode it. A secure password will consist of a mix of special characters, uppercase and lowercase letters, and numbers. As a general rule of thumb, you should avoid placing special characters at the beginning or end of the password. Mix things up. 

The more random and complicated, the better.

2. At Least 12 Characters

Complexity is important, but passwords become even stronger when they are both complex and lengthy.

Passwords that are at least 12 characters (16 is ideal) are more secure than those that are just 8 characters or less.

Because it can be challenging to come up with such a long password on your own, we recommend using a password manager to not only save your passwords securely but to generate new and secure ones when needed. 

3. No Personal Information

Secure passwords are random - they do not contain any personal information. Why?

  1. Passwords with personal information may be easier to remember, but they’re also easier for hackers to guess, especially if they already have some of your personal information.
  2. If your password is compromised, the hacker won’t get any more information about you. For example, if you use your birthday in your password and your account is hacked, the hacker will now know your birthday.

Personal information can include your address, city, pet’s name, favorite sports teams, etc. 

4. Unique to Its Respective Account

Every account should have a unique password. It’s not enough to simply have one strong password that you use for all of your accounts.

If that password is compromised, the hacker will then have access to all of your accounts that use that password.


As an expert in cybersecurity in Miami, we know that creating a strong password can be complicated. Using a password manager is a great first step in protecting your accounts and your personal information.

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