Cyberthreat Outlook For 2023

Cyberthreat Outlook For 2023

Cyberthreats remain a top priority for businesses across the world. Major developments in 2022 have led to an increase in concerns for clients that we help with cybersecurity in Miami. The cyberthreat outlook or forecast for 2023 includes:

Rise of AI to Help Create Malicious Software and Emails

Artificial intelligence is working double duty, with AI being used to strengthen security and also for writing malicious code. ChatGPT’s AI engine is the most popular in the world, and we’re already seeing the platform’s ability to:

  • Generate malicious coding
  • Write error-free phishing emails

We expect there to be a major rise in threats as a result of tools that have the power to craft human-level emails and software.

Increase in Attacks from Single Entities

Cyberthreats and attacks can come from any source, but we expect a lot of younger actors to enter the fold in 2023. This means that we expect younger hackers to infiltrate businesses, but they are not motivated by financial gain.

Instead, a lot of these actors are looking to build their reputations and hone their skills.

Information Operations Will Continue

Governments have been working behind the scenes to spread misinformation on a large scale. China, Iran, Russia and North Korea are known for their information operations that spread misinformation and also look to gain crucial information on businesses and governments.

These campaigns are likely to increase further in 2023.

Bots Will Continue to Gain Influence

Bots have been a major threat to misinformation and creating their own narrative. We expect bots to become more widespread and work on everything from misinformation to trying to convince employees to hand over vital information to the bot to access systems.

Targeted Ransomware

Ransomware is still a major threat and will continue to rise in popularity in the year ahead. We expect the target of these threats to become more targeted. For example, there’s a good chance that in 2023, we’ll see:

  • Custom ransomware targeted at larger companies or government bodies
  • Increase in ransomware hitting small- and medium-sized businesses, including core services

However, there are even more risks for end users. Metaverse, satellite Internet, such as Starlink, and AI will open up new cyberthreats that must be handled rapidly if end users have any hope of being protected against them.

Changes in Security on the Horizon

Security experts and habits will need to change this year, as they do annually, to help protect against cyberthreats. A few of the major changes that we expect ahead include:

  • Cyber liability insurance will become a major insurance product for businesses
  • Regulations will tighten in hopes of stalling the number of successful attacks
  • Zero Trust adoption will increase, which has the ability to shape the future of the security industry
  • Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) will advance
  • Security products will be under more scrutiny, which may lead to consolidation in the space and better products
  • Automation and AI will continue to be utilized to find security risks and patch them 

Cyberthreats will continue to evolve, and it’s imperative that businesses and security experts try their best to stay “one step ahead” of these threats.

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